Monday, February 25, 2008

Life in the Storm

Elie Wiesel in Souls on Fire refers to a Jewish parable that has been meaningful to me.
Here is my version-

Two travelers get lost on a journey in the midst of a storm. The darkness impairs their ability to see their path in front of them and the rain makes each step precarious. But there are brief moments when they can see. Each time the boom of thunder shakes the forest it foreshadows a brief flash of visibility. The fool stares up at the redoubtable lightning. The wise man on the other hand doesn’t look up, but looks ahead. He looks at the path in front of him that is briefly illuminated by the lightning.

In moments when we seem lost on our journey, we can either stare up at the storm overhead that has created the muddy mess that bogs us down. Or we can use the lightning for the brief illumination that it is. In those flashes we get to see our character, which often gets masked by the comfort of sunny weather. We can peer into where our current steps are leading us and where our next step really needs to be.

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