Thursday, February 21, 2008

fairy tale and a nightmare

Here's a Frederick Buechner quote about fairy tales-

“We send scientific expeditions to Loch Ness because if the dark and monstrous side of fairy tales can be proved to exist, who can be sure that the blessed side doesn’t exist, too? I suspect that the whole obsession of our time with the monstrous in general- with the occult and the demonic, with exorcism and black magic and the great white shark- is at its heart only the shadow side of our longing for the beautiful…”


I just had an awful meeting with a couple deciding to get a divorce. The phrase, "Reconciliation is not possible" is a painful pill to swallow. Ironically a tornado touched down not too far from my office while we were meeting, but it was no surprise that the darkness outside my office because of the storm was exceeded by the darkness inside my office because of the lack of reconciliation.

1 comment:

Josh Ross said...

Sorry, bro. That's a rough day.