Thursday, January 10, 2008


The new parents were having a tough time imitating the swaddling their child received at the hospital, which seemed to cause his sleeping to be too sporadic. When we were at their house they asked Lindsay about tips to swaddling their son. After talking about the best blankets for swaddling, she proceeded to turn their infant son into a stuffed burrito. Lindsay said, “Parents usually think they can wrap their baby too tight, but when they are in the womb they are in a much tighter space than any blanket. Boundaries are a big deal to babies especially at this stage. When babies are in the NICU we swaddle them so tightly they cannot move and when they go home their parents are too afraid of hurting them so they leave it loose. What ends up happening is in their attempt to not hurt the kid, they don’t give them what he wants, security. ”
I don’t think people ever really outgrow this need for boundaries. We can look at countless child stars that had the “luxury” of finances and fame to loosen boundaries that most have to live by and the result is typically heartbreaking. Many people that never heard “no” as a child grow up as socially awkward adults because no one gave their narcissism boundaries. This is why having good friends is so vital. We all need good friends who will still give us boundaries.

EDIT- I've been instructed by my favorite neonatal nurse to say that you can wrap a baby too tight. If they start to turn purple-ish colors or stop breathing that is too tight.


Josh Ross said...

That is a 25 minute sermon in 1 paragraph.

I remembering the days when we would swaddle Truitt. He loved it. Sometimes I wish that I could still be swaddled.

Luke said...

Boss, you are a weird man.
I am glad Truitt liked being swaddled. Chief and Chloe like being swaddled. They would get along.

Josh Graves said...

I think the most important people in my life are those who "push back" and keep me "accountable" regardless of what I want to hear from them.

Clint said...

So much wisdom in so little time (referring to your age)

Luke said...

Graves- I completely agree. From my experience the people that we trust who tell us what we need to hear and not what we want to hear usher us into Kingdom living more than just about anyone else.

Clint- Thanks. but I didn't have the wisdom to ask if it was ok to read your story about "Something greater than legs" off of your blog in a sermon a few weeks ago.

Clint said...

i do not mind as long as everyone cried

hello josh

Luke said...

Don't worry Clint, plenty of tears were shed.