Wednesday, May 7, 2008


According to Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer, dogs need the following three things in this order:
exercise, discipline and affection.

His lists seems pretty accurate to the needs of people too, but let me insert one caveat about defining exercise. Birds were create to fly, fish were created to swim and dogs were created to walk. When a dog walks he exercises his God intended mission.
While people do need physical exercise, I think what we most need to exercise is our God given sense of mission.

In the cult classic Fight Club, a battle interrupts the plight of an over-bored and under-challenged suburbanite and in the process gives him new life (and a few new scars). I assume the movie’s ability to hit a nerve in the plight of many over-bored and under-challenged 18-35 year olds caused the movie’s success. Many people need to be instilled with a sense of mission. Some of us need to redefine our missions within the context of our current lifestyle and others need to take on a new mission.

What would you say are the three things needed most by people?


Anonymous said...

Heather and I are great at two out of those three essentials for our dogs. Take a guess which one I think we aren't good at...

3 most essential things for humans:
Jesus (and grace), Purpose (and mission), Relationships (connected with other people).

That was tough because there are so many things that I believe are essential for humans. It was tough to choose a top 3. My #4 was the New York Yankees by the way.

I need to hear about your weekend soon.

Luke said...

Cromer- Chief just weighed in at a robust 94lbs. Which is almost ten pounds over his ideal fighting weight. So we aren't doing that well on the exercise either.

I would classify discipline with community.

Oh yeah- Jesus. that would be a nice addition.

Josh Ross said...


Josh Ross said...


III said...

Faith, Hope, & Love. Ha! I win. That's not very specific, though. My list would be similar to briancromer's:


BTW, I just learned about Cesar Milan a few weeks ago & started walking my wolf. I never knew, before watching his show, that exercise was so important for dogs. And it's been pretty good for me, too.

Luke said...

Philip- you do win. Why you bringing the Bible into this one?

Me and my dogs are very similar. If we dont get our exercise we all go crazy and start chewing on stuff.