Sunday, July 6, 2008

Church Signs

Today my sister-in-law texted me this line she saw written on a church sign in Zepher, TX-
Don't like church? What will you do in Heaven?

It goes next to the other popular church billboard lines-
Eternity- smoking or non-smoking?
CH- CH- What's missing? UR

We have all seen some pretty funny/horrible stuff written on church billboards, so what are some of the more memorable church signs that you have seen?


III said...

In Searcy, AR. It wasn't a Church of Christ, but some fundamentalist church plant that held their meetings in a strip mall area & had one of those portable, lit-up signs. And it said...


Josh Ross said...

"You just think it is hot down here"

hoosier reborn said...

I went to a very fundamentalist Baptist school here in town who believed in KJV only. I enjoy seeing their verse of the week posted now.....while I enjoy the poetry of the KJV, I often wonder what the average, undereducated passing motorist must think of the ye's and thou's.

"Turn or burn" I'm sure is affective too.


Luke said...

I am glad to see that church signs are used to project such loving messages across the country.