Monday, January 12, 2009

The Denton Project's 1st meeting

On Tuesday night the Denton Project had her first meeting. As we left our house to go up to Denton I reminded myself that John Burke who planted The Gateway Church in Austin had three people show up for his first meeting. I was prepared to have that many show up, but luckily that was not the case. It is great to see how God continues to provide. We still have about 8 months until our weekly launch, but this is an exciting beginning to a long journey.

Please be praying for us as we continue to seek people to join our launch team, prayer team and funding team.


Anonymous said...

How Exciting! May God be glorified in you and through you. May God bless you with close friends and wise mentors to walk with you in this work. It has been said that if you want to walk fast, walk alone but if you want to walk far, walk together... I know that God has blessed you greatly and it is your desire to be a blessing to others so that God may be better revealed to the world around each of us.
Rex etal.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm so looking forward to being part of a great work!

LST team to Morelia, MX 2010 said...

Nice photo, Luke:-)

It was great to be a part of something that God is leading!


Anonymous said...

Luke, this is your future self. In the future email no longer is active, so I knew I could communicate to you/me through this blog. Listen, those whey protein/fruit shakes are going to give you a disease. Stop drinking them immediately. Also, you need to be kinder to your friends, you are all alone in the distant future (and by distant I mean July). Love yourself, Luke

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it went well. A lot of people excited about the new church!

Luke said...

Thanks guys.

Harrison- That's a good quote.

Marilyn- That is a good pic.

Self- Thanks for the heads up, I will see you soon.