Wednesday, March 12, 2008

10,000 BC

Sunday night I saw 10,000BC while in Dallas with Lindsay and her parents. The movie automatically goes in my ‘guy movie’ category alongside gripping movies like Braveheart and Gladiator. In all of these movies we see the common thread of the battle for family and justice. William Wallace in Braveheart fights for his country and revenge for his wife’s murder. Maximus in Gladiator fights for Rome and for revenge of the deaths of his family and his beloved friend and emperor. In 10,000 BC, the hero, D’Leh, fights for the emancipation of his people and for love. It’s the same story, told and retold. Yet it still grasps us in the same way, because these stories touch on an almost primal compulsion for fighting a battle worth living for and dying for.

What’s in your ‘guy movie’ category and what is it about our 21st century life that makes these movies so powerful?


III said...

William Wallace's wife dies in Braveheart??? Thanks for spoiling that little tidbit of a movie I haven't seen yet!

(totally kidding)

Anyway, guy movie list. Your's definitely make the cut. Others:

* Field of Dreams: all about the relationship between fathers and sons, even long after one's father is gone.

* Jeremiah Johnson: there's something primal about leaving "progress" for the simplicity of the existence of previous generations. Also, something primal about taking the road less traveled, and about the end reward being worth all the trouble.

* The Ghost and The Darkness: all about facing your wildest fears & conquering them. GREAT movie if you love Africa.

and finally...

* Saving Private Ryan: just taught me a lot about what manhood & brotherhood really is.

Anonymous said...

Man movies's a couple:

*THE ROCKY MOVIES - unbelievable underdog story. Anything is possible if you believe and dream.

*3:10 TO YUMA - leaving a legacy on this earth and the strong connection between father and son.

Luke said...

Philip- I haven't seen Jeremiah J or The Ghost... but the others are good ones.

Cromer- The training scenes in Rocky have deeply impacted my life and the drinking raw eggs have also changed my diet.

hoosier reborn said...

Easily, 300. I caught 10,000 a few weeks ago too-mostly I liked the mastadons going on a rampage.