Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I took Kitesurfing lessons with Larry (thats him in the pic) about six months ago, but haven’t seen him since then until yesterday. I was shocked to see him walk into my gym yesterday and after a nice talked we went our separate ways. I went to the treadmill and he went to speak with the gym’s owner about a job. Ironically, we ran into each other later that day. I asked how his talk went with the gym’s owner.

“Dude, (surfer vernacular) it was good, but we talked more about life and spirituality. Hey, he said that you were a pastor, right?” Larry said.

“Yeah, I am”

“I think its cool that you don’t introduce yourself as Pastor Luke. I get put off when people introduce themselves that way.”

This lead into a great discussion about God that ranged from the God’s name in Hebrew to the Trinity to the inspiration/infallibility of scripture and an invitation to continue this talk at lunch after the holidays.

When we trust that God is the evangelist and we are just joining him I believe our lives will be more fruitful than when we manipulate conversations.

1 comment:

Josh Ross said...

Good stuff!
I like the sound of Pastor Luke.