Thursday, April 16, 2009

Denton Project Update

We finally decided on a name for our church and purchased our domain name. Our website should start to have some stuff on it soon, but until then check out this preview for our site and our name.


Jonathan Storment said...

This looks great Luke! I really liked your video bro. Hope you're having fun in Florida!

Brian said...

So that's what you've been doing the past 15 days!

Good stuff bro.

Josh Graves said...

Good work.

Love the Maze and Blue polo shirt.
Have fun in Florida.


LST team to Morelia, MX 2010 said...

Nice, Luke - would have been lots cooler if you'd had Avery in the video with you - don't you think???

Waiting to see the completed site!


Luke said...

Thanks guys (and gal)-
I should have included Avery, it would have been much better to watch then.

Graves- as kid in growing up in Philly the first college basketball team I ever rooted for sported those colors- the Fab Five.

Josh Ross said...

It's been quit a journey. Proud of you, bro.